By Barry Rosen
Sept. starts with Uranus going stationary retrograde in Taurus at 3 degrees as it retrogrades back into Aries and does not go direct until Jan. 30, 2025. We always get surprises at the station and usually we see shocks to financial systems, weather patterns, earthquakes and accidents and explosions and often an increase in revolutionary activity and political tension. Given the state of Russia/Ukraine and Iran/Israel, the upcoming hurricane season and Mars entering the stormy constellation of Ardra (Gemini 6.40-20.00) Sept 5-29th, it’s hard to see roses and daffodils arising. Jupiter’s trine to Venus into mid-month will add some grace and eventually Venus in sidereal Libra Sept. 18-Oct. 12 and Mercury exalted in Virgo, Sept. 22-Oct. 10th will come to the rescue.The stock market continues to look better but it is confined to 40% of the market and if you own the other 60% in your shares, you are not happy.
Because it’s an election year, the powers that be will do everything to hold their fingers in the dike to stay in power, but you can tell that 2024 looks to be a watershed year in the history of the US.How much time do we have? Seems like 2025 is more problematic and we have to assume they will do everything in an election year to make it seem like all is well. The GDP just miraculous rose higher while the lying Bureau of Labor Statistics finally stopped their cheer-leading and showed they had an 880,000 error in new employee—oops. No wonder no one trusts government.
September 2nd starts with a new moon in Leo on Sept. 2nd in Purvaphalguni Nakshatra (Leo 13.20-26.40) not far from a fearful Saturn opposition the morning of Sept. 3rd—not a great way to start out the month with low and fearful emotional energy. The Saturn opposition with the Sun is not far away into Sunday, Sept 8th. This is often difficult a difficult one for leadership and upsets by the masses and given the political landscape, it’s always difficult to watch the news. France is on the radar with Macro passing over the elected Prime Minster with a coup and the people ready to revolt. Will he get as tyrannical as Britain’s new Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who is getting almost worst than Stalin in arresting anyone who writes about massive protests and problems with immigrants. Will the Brits rise up?
Overall with Mars in Gemini, the US 7th house of enemies, we have to be alert for unexpected eruptions in September. Geopolitical cycles are at extreme levels and you can tell with the energies in Belarus/Russia/Ukraine and Gaza/Iran/Israel and China/Taiwan that something bigger could pop and that will derail are calm world. Jupiter is still strong enough and there are enough bright spots with Venus going into Libra Sept. 18th and Mercury into Virgo Sept 22nd, that if we can get through the tensions of the first part of the month with the Sun/Saturn opposition, that things will settle down.
Crude and the Middle East have been in the news but crude has failed to rally as recessionary energies and economic problems in China are enough to make demand more of an issue than potential war. Goldman Sachs sees a range between 70-85.00 for crude and we have cycle lows in September. The x-factor is always the Middle East and we think that will have a longer-term impact and take crude oil up to 112.00 next year.
Inflation cycles will continue to cause problems over the next 2-4 years but recession energies will creep in also. Neptune in Pisces is too strong for inflation and the Middle East is a powder keg and 112 oil next year is not hard to negate even if recessionary fears and realities pull oil down into September. Eventually, I think a 70’s type stagflation is coming. Key stocks will ignore recession worries and there are always some of those but you have to know when to buy and you have to choose carefully.
Saturn /Sun oppositions create power struggles in government and given the tense state of the world, we will be watching closely to see what develops. Saturn is retrograde until Nov 15th and that often adds an edge to the market and everything. It is debilitated in the D9/Navamsha chart until October 3rd and that will create more anxiety in general.
The Lunar Eclipse is at 1.28 Pisces on Sept. 16th as eclipse season takes off. Next year on April 14th, Saturn and Rahu will be conjunct the eclipse point triggering some intensity. If you have key planets in the 0-2 degree area of Pisces like the Sun, Moon or the Ascendant and you are running a Rahu/Moon or Moon/Rahu period, you may have a more intense episode around it. Always good to do extra meditation and fasting around eclipses. It is only partial lunar eclipse but it is visible in North and South America and Europe and Africa and is in the nefarious constellation of Purvabhadrapada (Aquarius 20- Pisces 3.20) which is connected to secret activities and has a Jeykll /Hyde quality.
Jupiter trines Venus from Taurus to Virgo exactly into Sunday, Sept 15th and that expansive energy will be felt most on Friday, Sept. 13th. It can lead to overspending and sensual indulgence. Venus gets out of debilitation and goes into Libra on Sept. 18-Oct. 12th and that is always a light spot for the year supporting relationship, the arts and general good feeling. Mercury goes into exaltation in Virgo Sept 22nd-Oct 10th and that is also another bright spot for the month increasing business and communications. Ketu gums up the works a bit there around Sept. 30th scattering mental energies and focus but it is a quick conjunction having only a 2-3 day influence.
Mars remains in Gemini the whole month and we have written about it and it is in the difficult constellation of Ardra (Gemini 6.40-20.00) most of the month and this can churn up emotional storms and even physical ones and we are in Hurricane season to it may be a bit more tempestuous than normal. Mars in Gemini can stir up verbal fighting and we have the Sept. 10th Presidential debate going on. Kamilla has a Libra Sun which is not great for leadership or confidence and her Mercury is Atmakarka which means major lessons around communications. No wonder she has lost 90% of her White House Staff over the last 3.5 years and her press conferences are word salads. Trump is stronger with Mars transiting his 11th and ascendant Lord, the Sun, strong it’s own sign of Leo. Hard to see her coming out ahead in the debate.
We are still not going to predict the election because it stirs up too much division in our country and you can be sure that neither side will be happy with the results and it will be a long late fall and early winter. Whoever wins in November, no one will accept the results and continued distrust in the stability of the US will take the Dollar and bonds lower. The dollar is about to issue a major sell signal and has cycle lows into 2025 and 2026 and one of the big economic stories is going to be the collapse of the dollar whether over leadership, 35 trillion in debts, or the coming recession.
The Solar Eclipse is at 17 Virgo on Oct. 2nd and is not visible in North America but it is impacting heavily South American and Chile and Argentina. Still all our general guidelines around Solar Eclipses are always worth paying attention to and we will write more about it.
The stock market tends to seasonally lower into September and in election years that fall usually continues into early October. Venus debilitation in Virgo into Sept 18th is not going to help this year although a Jupiter tine to it into Sept. 15th may help.
Seasonally the market is often higher starting in October and tech stocks like Mercury in Virgo Sept 23-Oct 10th. We have a 4th quarter high for tech stocks due. Cash S & P has been projecting 5850 at least and pullbacks are likely to stay above 5330 if we get anything dramatic.
SEPT OUTLOOK: Our outlook on September is seasonally bearish and fear cycles are up into Oct. 3rd so we are expecting a bigger decline which would go first to 5330 and max. to 5100 if something dramatic happens. . Until 4950 on cash comes out, we cannot negate the alternate bullish pattern to 5860 on cash.
Macro reflections: We are sensing an October low and if Trump wins, the market could recover but as we have noted, a weekly chart close under 4950 would end the bull market that started in the year 1932. If the market can miraculously congest above S & P cash 4975 through the election and if Trump wins, then we will entertain upper cash targets toward 5867-6000. We are not ruling that out as Wall Street computers do not make much money on shorts.
It possible that if the Sept. 10th debate shows the “real depth” of Harris, then the stock market might celebrate like it did after the Biden debate.
There is still too much time into late October for an x-factor breakdown below cash 4950 which would lead to 4635 and 4505 on cash. They are already trying to create fear with a Monkey Pox scare, Mosquito borne illness in New York State and you wonder if they are dumb enough to do another pandemic scare to increase paper-ballot harvesting.
The level of communist dictatorship starting to happen around the civil unrest in the UK is rather ominous. The Iran/Russia/Gaza/Ukraine mess seems more intense and could explode in the next few weeks. The reality of recession is suddenly starting to sink in and that means the reality of stock earnings are not there even if free punch gets stock buyers excited at first.
Tesla: Patterns project 235 on rallies if it holds up in early September but then a pullback to 189.
Gold did hit our first target of 2550. Cycles continue to suggest higher prices in September as gold likes Mercury and Sun in Leo into Sept. 22nd and 15th respectively and Jupiter is trining Venus into Sept 15th. We had been looking for an October pullback low that could be ugly and get as low as 2250 for gold and often gold is not happy with Sun in Libra which starts on Oct. 17th. Silver has also held up well and could reach 3550-3650 and it usually likes the Jupiter trine to Venus and the Venus/Neptune quinqux on Sept 21st. Longer-term outlooks for gold are good over the coming years with the weak outlook for the dollar into 2025-2026.
You can play gold with ETFs like SLV, GLD and GDX (Gold Miners) and we cover them in our newsletter.
Gold could accelerate in a crisis to 2800 into the year 2025 and projects higher prices eventually. Stay on top of our daily forecasts with Fortucast.com newsletters.
Bitcoin is taking longer to start its next move up. Gary Gensler, Chairperson, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, continues to push lawsuits against crypto companies as the US does not want anything competing with its worthless currency. The Trump administration is pushing cryptos and supporting them. The market seems like it wants to fall in September and would be more complete with a pullback to 53000 or even 45000. We have not times it exactly. Mercury and Ketu rule cryptos and Ketu is being squared by Mars into Sept. 16th and has a 3 degree influence through the week and Mercury does not get into Virgo until Sept. 22nd.
Cryptos seem to go with NASDAQ and it is closer to topping at 20300-20500 on Sept. futures and ready to swoon into Sept.
The more bullish patterns project 88000 and 98125 longer-term.
Fund managers are projecting 200,000k Bitcoin on the news into next year but we have seen these wild assertions before. Still, our larger cycles are friendly into 2026 with Bitcoin in a Jupiter/Rahu period until 2026.
Remember to work with your broker. Trading and investing have to be done both technically and astrology can help but should not be the only factor in making a decision. You have to buy low and sell high.
As always, this is my snapshot though for August 31, 2024. New information comes in daily. If you are a trader or investor, consider my Fortucast newsletters which are published daily at www.fortucast.com. A trial subscription is 97.00/month. If you want to learn financial astrology visit my website at www.appliedvedicastrology.com and click on the Financial Astrology link.
Live weekly classes on Thursdays at 2 pm CDT online. Details forthcoming. If you want more information, email barry2@fortucast.com.
ABOUT BARRY ROSEN: Barry Rosen has been teaching classes in Investment Astrology since 1990 and began teaching the other aspects of Vedic astrology specialized courses online in 2017, including Dashas, Transits, Personal Finance, Health, Longevity, and Death, Nakshatras, The Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, Secrets of the Houses, Relationships and many more. In his consultations, he focuses more on the emotional and mental patterns in the chart and their impact on consciousness which can create waves of illusion blocking you. A good consultation should help you witness the play of karma so that you are not gripped by it; you can transcend it and realize your Divinity, becoming the commander of the planets and not the victim. Barry Rosen also operates a blog on Facebook under Barry Rosen and Astro-Yoga and his professional astrological website is www.appliedvedicastrology.com. He can be reached at support@appliedvedicastrology.com.